Petron will be celebrating its 80th anniversary later this year. As a ramp up towards their big celebration, they’ve launched their “Petron Road to 80 Rewards” promo.
This March to April, Petron gives away a reward every time you fill up at their stations.
Perhaps the biggest is their “Free Fuel for a Year” treat for Petron Value Card (PVC) members. Every Php 250 worth of gas entitles members to 1 point and 1 raffle entry. The grand prize is a year’s worth of gas (Php 120,000 value). Depending on what you drive, that much gas can ferry you around for at least 15,000 km.
To join, members need to register via text by sending the following text message to 2966: PVC REG <16 digit PVC number>/<First Name M.I. Last Name>/<Bday:MMDDYYYY>/<Address>/<Email Address-optional>. (Free for Smart and Sun subscribers and Php 2.50 for Globe users.)
Other promos include the Toy Ride Rush promo which gives customers a chance to purchase Limited Edition Petron Porsche toy cars. The toy cars will be available for Php 180 each for every single or accumulated Php 1,000 receipt of fuels. Customers can also get a free Purefoods hotdog on astick for every Php 1,000 single receipt purchase of fuels.
Personally, though. I’ve been a Shell guy all my driving life. But free gas and food still sound good.
Source: Manila Standard